@i ##BIBLIOTHECA BUDDHICA. XXIII## abhisamayAlankAra-prajJApAramitA-upadeza-zAstra ##THE WORK OF BODHISATTVA MAITREYA EDITED, EXPLAINED AND TRANSLATED BY TH.STCHERBATSKY, MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF USSR AND E. OBERMILLER, SECTION SECRETARY OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR BUDDHIST CULTURE OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF USSR Fasciculus I INTRODUCTION, SANSCRIT TEXT AND TIBETAN TRANSLATION @ii Printed by order of the Academy of Sciences of USSR June 1929 Perpetual Secretary S. d'Oldenburg Begun in November 1928.- Printed in June 1929 @iii Contents Introduction I-XII Sanscrit Text 1-40 Tibetan Text 1-42 Errata @i INTRODUCTION 1.The place of ##abhisamayAlankAra ##in Buddhist Literature. The Buddhist literature as translated, preserved and studied in Tibet and Mongolia is variously classified by the Tibetans. The first most general division is into Scripture## (pravacana = sUtra) ##and Exegesis## (zAstra). ##Next comes a general cross division into## sUtra ##and tantra (mdo and rgyud). The term## sUtra ##is usually applied to the Discourses of Buddha and is, in this accep- tation, a synonym of Scripture. But here it means all literature other than tantra, whether exegesis or scriptural. Tantra is a special mystic worship only loosely connected with Buddhism proper. Thus## sUtra ##in this case would mean Buddhism proper, exclusive of the annected mystic worship. A third cross division is into## hInayAna, mahAyAna ##and Tan- tra or## vajra-yAna. ##The first class contains the literature of the 18 schools of early Buddhism. The second all the subsequent literature of Buddhism with the exception of Tantra, which forms the third class. The first two## yAnas ##of this division are again divided in three:## zrAvaka-yAna, pratyeka-buddha-yAna ##and## bodhisattva-yAna. ##This division refers to the three methods of proceeding along the Path of Salvation towards Final Deliverance in## nirvAna. ##It is the practical side of the doctrine. Its theore- tical part or its philosophy is divided into three (Swingings of the Wheel of the Law) or, as we may simply call it, into three @ii periods. In the first period the philosophy was pluralistic, in the second it was monistic, and in the third it became idealistic and partly critical. The early division of the Buddhist literature into three (baskets), Discipline, Law and Philosophy, was retained in Tibet but merely in theory. The Tibetans themselves are often in doubt about the question, to what basket a work of the later literature must be assigned{1. The division in twelve angas which is discussed by E. Burnouf in his Introduction is also mentioned by Bu-ston, but it is referred not to different works, but to different varieties of style in which the works, or only parts of them even simply passages, are written.}. As a matter for study in the monastic schools of Tibet and Mongolia the whole of Buddhist literature is again divided into A# lakSaNa-yAna{2 mtshan-Jid-theg-pa, ##this term is used by Bu-ston.} ##or the doctrine proper and## mantra- yAna ##or the mystic worship, and there is accordingly in every monastery two schools or faculties, the faculty of the Doctrine## (TsaJid Datsan){3 mtshan-Jid-grva-tshan.} ##comprising a theoretical and practical side, and the faculty of mystic worship## (Gyud Datsan){4 rgyud-grva-tshan.-##In the large monasteries there are additionally a school of medicine, a school of astronomy and astrology## (kAla-cakra), ##and in Labrang even a school of grammar and music. A survey of the teaching in the schools of Tibet and Mongolia by B. B. Baradiin will appear in the year book of our Institution.} The teaching in the faculty of the Doctrine## (TsaJid Datsan) ##comprises 5 different courses: 1) the philosophy of early Bud- dhism## (abhidharma), 2) ##Logic## (pramANa), 3) ##The Dialectical Method## (mAdhyamika), 4) ##Moral philosophy## (pAramitA) ##and 5) Monastic Discipline## (vinaya). ##In every class a fundamental text## (mUla) ##is learned by heart and commentaries are orally sup- plied by the teacher. The fundamental text for the abhidharma class in## vasu- bandhu's## abhidharmakoza, ##for the class of logic it is @iii ##the## pramANa-vArtika ##of## dharmakIrti, ##for the dialec- tical class it is the## mAdhyamika-avatAra ##of## candra- kIrti, ##for the class of moral philosophy it is the## abhisa- maya-alankAra ##of## Bodhisattva Maitreya, ##and for the class of Discipline it is the## vinayasUtra ##of## guNa- prabha. ##The full course lasts for about 12 years. The three first classes deal with the theoretical part of the Buddhist doct- rine, the two last with its practical side. Thus the## abhisamaya-alankAra ##is the fundamental work for the study of the Buddhist doctrine of the Path towards moral perfection and the attainment of the condition of a Buddhist## mahAyAnistic ##Saint, and of A# mahAyAnistic ##Buddha in his blessed## nirvANa. ##If the## abhidharma, pramANa ##and## mAdhyamika ##teachings represent three phases of Buddhist philosophy, the## abhisamaya ##represents Buddhism as a religion. The term abhisamaya means direct intuition of the Absolute. Here it means the Path of attaining that intuition{1 Cp. Points of Controversy, p. 382 ff.}, it is a synonym of## mArga. {2 ##The author and his works. The## abhisamaya-alankAra-##the full title is## abhisa- maya-alankAra-nAma-prajJApAramitA-upadeza- zAstra-##is one of the five works upon which the## yogAcAra ##school of later Buddhism is founded, and whose authorship is, according to the Tibetan tradition, ascribed to## Bodhisattva Maitreya, the future Buddha{2 Cf. my article (Notes de litterature boddhique, La litterature## yogAcAra d’apres ##Bouston) in the museon, 1904. Bu-ston reckons 20## yogAcAra ##funda- mental works,- 5 by## Maitreya, 7 by## Asanga, ##and 8 by## vasubandhu.}. Maitreya, ##descending from the## tuSita ##heaven, communicated them to saint## Asanga ##who then composed the commentaries. This pious legend is explained by professor## Sylvain Levi{3 In his Introduction to the Translation of Asnga’s## sUtrAlankAra, ##Paris, 1911.} @iv as proving that the works of saint Asanga, initiating a new de- parture in the history of Buddhist philosophy, had attained great popularity and were gradually considered as revealed. Indeed the facts collected by him{1 Ibidem, p. 7-8.} point to the gradual growth of the legend, and the fact that the Indian, Chinese and Tibetan tradi- tions do not agree{2 Originally the great work of## asanga saptadazabhUmi-zAstra ##alone was reputed as revealed, but later on five other works were assumed as revealed, but not the## saptadazabhUmi.} ##in the enumeration of those five among the works of## asanga ##to whom a supernatural origin is ascribed, would support this opinion. However professor H. Ui{3 Zeitschr. fur I. u. I., 1928, p. 215 ff.}, in a recent article, expresses his view to the effect that Maitreya (without any doubt was an historical person), who lived in IV century A. D. in Ayodhya, (where he composed some of his works and instructed Asanga who came, having perhaps been told by## piNDola, ##from## gandhAra ##in his search for## mahAyAna ##Buddhism). This Maitreya, accord- ing to the same article{4 Ibid., p. 224.}, (ought to be regarded as the founder of the## yogAcAra ##school, as much as## nAgArjuna ##is the founder of the## mAdhyamika ##school{5 M. E. Obermiller informs me that there is in the Tanjur Mdo, v. XVII, fol. 170-171, a short tract ascribed to## nAgArjuna, ##the## bhava-sankrAnti (srid-pa-Hpho-ba), ##and a commentary## (TIkA) ##upon it by## maitreya-nAtha (Byams- pa mgon-po). ##This fact can be interpreted either as a support for Prof. Ui’s view, or it would be an indication that such an attribution was at a certain epoch custo- mary in some circles.} Be this as the case may be, it is nevertheless in the high- est degree astonishing that the## abhisamayAlaMkAra, ##which in Tibet and Mongolia is the fundamental work for studying Bud- dhism as a religion, which every educated monk in these count- ries knows by heart, which represents there a Catechism of## mahAyAna, ##which is the starting point of an enormous amount of literary production, both in India and in Tibet,- has never @v been translated into Chinese and is there utterly unknown{1 Ibidem, p.222.}. Neither## ParamArtha ##nor## Hiuen-tsang nor I-tsing ##seem to have noticed it and have imported no copy of it into China. However Vasubandhu had already, in all probability, made it the text book for the study of## prajJA-pAramitA. ##Although he himself has composed no commentary on it, but his pupil and continuator in this department of Buddhist science, the saint Vimukta- sena, has written a detailed commentary{2 ni-khri-snan-ba,cp. Tanjur Mdo, vol.I.} ##which was then followed by a series of other works. Another peculiarity of the## abhisamayAlankAra ##is that it ex- pounds the theory of Salvation without alluding to the typical tenets of the## yogAcAra ##school. The Tibetan historian and syste- matist## Bu-ston Rin-chen-Dub ##in his history of Buddhism in Tibet{3 f. 22 ##of the## Lha-sa ##block print edition of the## Bod-chos-Hbyun.} ##says, that this work of Maitreya is written according to the principles of the## mAdhyamika ##school## (hkhor-lobar-ba), ##while the remaining 4 works belong to the## yogAcAra ##school. According to## Tson-khapa{4 ##In his## Gser-phren.} ##the## abhisamayAlankAra ##follows the principles of the## mAdhyamika-svAtantrikA ##school, the Uttara- tantra of the same author-those of the## mAdhyamika-prAsan- gika, ##and the remaining three works only belong to the## yogA- cAras. ##In fact the theory of Salvation is expounded by later writers either in accordance with the## mAdhyamika-svAtantrika ##or the## yogAcAra ##principles, but not in accordance with the## mAdhyamika-prAsangika ##school. 3. Contents and character of the work.## abhisamayAlankAra ##is A# prajJApAramitA-upadeza ##and it is A# zAstra, ##that is to say, it is a systematical exposition of the## pra- jJApAramitA ##doctrine, of its practical side.## abhisamaya, ##as already @vi mentioned, is here a synonym of## mArga. alankAra ##is the name for a literary form popular with the Buddhists. It means that the work in question contains no full and detailed exposition of the doctrine, it is not A# mahA-zAstra, ##like the## abhidharmakoza, ##but it is only a short summary{1 According to## S. Levi, op. cit., p. 16, the celebrated passage in Subandhu’s## vAsavadattA, ##contains even a direct reference to the## sUtralankAra ##of## maitreya- asanga. ##But it is more probable that it refers to the Buddhist practice of writing## alankAras ##in general.} of the salient points of the system contained in the## prajJApAramitA sUtras, ##in all its redac- tions, the one in 100.000## zlokas, ##the one in 25.000## zlokas ##and the one in 8.000## zlokas. ##Really wonderful is the skill, with which the author includes in the terse writing of his mnemonic verses almost every important feature, mentioned in the## sUtras. ##What the term## prajJApAramitA ##means, is very pregnantly expres- sed by## dignAga ##in the first verse of his## prajJA-pAra- mitA-piNDArtha{2 tanjur, ##Mdo, vol. XIV; a commentary by## triratnadAsa ##is also found there.}, ##a work dealing with just the same funda- mental idea as the## abhisamayAlankAra, ##and which was probably composed by him as a help for memory during the time he was studying the subject as a pupil of Vasubandhu, attending to his course of## prajJApAramitA. ##The verse runs as follows##: prajJApAramitA jJAnam advayam, sa tathAgata:, sAdhya-tAdarthya-yogena tAcchAbdyam grantha-mArgayo:{3 ##The sanscrit original of this verse is quoted by Haribhadra in his## abhisa- mayAlankAra-AlokA ##MS fol. 23b.4-5 (E. Obermiller).}. ##That means##: (prajJApAramitA ##is Monism, it is that know- ledge (in which subject and object coalesce), it is also Buddha (himself, personified in his Cosmical Body). The word## prajJApA- ramitA ##means moreover the text (of the## prajJApAramitA sUtras) ##and the Path of Salvation (which they teach), because the aim (of the text and of the Path) is to produce this (monistic con- sciousness and the condition of a Buddha in his## nirvANa). @vii ##Thus, the term## prajJA-pAramitA ##has the following meanings: 1) philosophic Monism, 2) Buddha’s Cosmical Body, 3) the text of the p.-p.## sUtras, ##and 4) the Path towards Salvation according to## mahAyAnistic ##principles. It is in this last acceptation, that the## AbhisamayAlankAra ##contains a summary of the salient points. It is divided in 8 chapters. The first three deal with three kinds of Omniscience, the Omniscience of the## mahAyAnistic ##Bud- dhA# (sarva-AkAra-jJatA = ##Tib.## rnam-mkhyen), ##the Omniscience of the Bodhisattva concerning the Path## (mArga-jJatA = Tib. lam-zes) ##and that kind of Omniscience which is attainable by the## hInayAnistic ##Saint## (sarva-jJatA = ##Tib.## gzhi-zes). ##This term of Omniscience, as applied to the Buddha, carries a totally different connotation than in western religions. It simply means intelli- gible, non-sensuous, intuition, the direct presentation of the world sub specie aeternitatis. That Monism which in philosophy is established by discursive argument the## mahAyAnistic ##saint and the## mahAyAnistic ##Buddha have the power to intuit directly## (sAkSAt). ##That Buddha is omniscient does not mean that he knows the names of all plants and the names of all animals etc. etc., but it means that he possesses a knowledge of the four truths, that is to say, he possesses in the highest degree philosophic intuition.{1 Cp.## kathAvatthu, II. 2. 22-23.} It is the highest knowledge as conceived by Spinoza, not the kind of omniscience imagined by unphilosophic minds. The next four chapters contain the four so called prayogas or ways of realization of that omniscience. Chapter 4 deals with the method of illumination, concerning the subjective and object- tive aspects of the three forms of Omniscience## (sarvAkArAbhisam- bodha). ##The next three chapters contain the same stuff, but considered from three different standpoints. Chapter 5 gives the definition of the culminating point of illumination## (mUrdhAbhisa- maya), ##chapter 6-of gradual illumination## (anupUrvAbhisamaya){2 ##Cp. ibid., II.9.}, @viii chapter 7- of momentary illumination## (ekakSaNAbhisambodha). ##Finally the 8-th and last chapter contains the doctrine of Bud- dha's Cosmical Body## (dharmakAya), ##or of the disappearing of the individual in the monistic Absolute. Thus the whole## zAstra ##has eight parts dealing with three kinds of omniscience, 4 methods of attaining it, and one final result. It is called the## zAstra ##of eight subjects. It is moreover called the## zAstra ##of 70 points, because the eight subjects in their subdivisions can be analysed into 70 topics. There are other more detailed subdivisions still. The text gives simply their enumeration and their system. It is nothing more than a systematical index, in metrical form, of all technical terms used in the doctrine of the## mahAyAnistic ##Path to Salvation. The meaning of these terms is not contained in the## alankAra, ##it must be found in the commentaries without which the work remains absolutely incomprehensible. The subject-mat- ter which is loosely expressed in the## sUtras, ##is systematically arranged in the## zAstra ##and explained in the commentaries. 4. The commentaries. The Tanjur Collection contains translations of 21 works, which are only different commentaries on the## abhisamayAlan- kAra, ##some of them showing the connection of its systematical doctrine with the## prajJApAramitA-sUtra ##in 25.000## zlokas, ##other its connection with the one in 8.000## zlokas. ##The most celeb- rated among the authors of these commentaries are## Arya Vi- muktasena ##(VI-th century), the pupil of Vasubandhu, bha- danta Vimuktasena (VI-VII century), the pupil of the former and## AcArya Haribhadra ##(IX century). The title of the latter's work is as follows##: zrImad-AcArya-ha- ribhadra-viracitA Arya-aSTa-sAhasrika-praj- JApAramitA-vyAkhyA abhisamayAlankAra-AlokA nAma. ##A MS of the original sanscrit text of this work is found in the Minayeff collection of sanscrit MSS of the Public Library @ix of Leningrad{1 No. 107 of the Mironov Catalogue.}. Its edition is in course of preparation by my pupil E. Obermiller##. Arya ##Vimuktasena and Haribhadra are the greatest authorities in the domain of## pAramitA, ##they are often quoted in a dvandva compound as## Hphags-sen = Arya- harI. ##A full list of all the 21 commentaries will be given by E. E. Obermiller in a paper which will appear in the forth- coming yearbook of our Institution for the Study of Buddhist Culture. The first Tibetan author who has written an independent commentary on the## abhisamayAlankAra ##seems to have been the celebrated translator## (lotsaba) Nog Lodan-zeirab{2 rn#og blo-Idan-ses-rab.} (1059- 1109). ##He was followed by a great number of Tibetan authors of the old period. The following are the most celebrated among them :## Chaba-Chogi-senge{3 Phya-pa chos-kyi sen-ge.} (1109-1169),Tsan-nagpa-tson- Du-senge{4 Gtsan-nag-pa-brtson-hgrus-sen-ge.} ##(the pupil of the former),## Dolbopa-seirab-gyal-tshan{5 Dol-po-pa ses-rab-rgyal-mtshan.} (1292-1391), Budon-rinchen-dub{6 Bu-ston rin-chen-grub.} (1290-1364), Nyabon- kunga-pal{7 Na-dpon-kun-dgah-dpal.} ##(the pupil of the two preceding ones and the teacher of## Tson-khapa), Rondon-sakya-gyal-tshan{8 Ron-ston sa-kyahi-rgyal-mtshan.} (1367-1449), Rendapa-zhonnu-lodo{9 Red-mdah-pa gzhon-nu-blo-gros.} (1349-1412), ##etc., etc. To the new period belong the works of## Tson-khapa (1357- 1419) ##and his pupils, the works of## Jam-yan-zhadpa{10 Hjam-dbyans-bzhad-pa-nag-dban- brtson-hgrus.} (1648- 1742) ##and an enormous literature of manuals for the study of this subject in monastic schools. The work of## Tson-khapa ##which bears the title of## Gser-phren ##is especially celebrated by its tho- rough, detailed, and clear exposition{11 The full title of the work is##-ses-rab-kyi-pha-rol-tu-phyin-pahi man- nag-gi-bstan-bcos-mnon-par-rtogs-pahi-rgyan hgrel-pa-dan-bcas-pahi rgya- cher-bsad-pa legs-bsad-gser-gyi-phren-ba,##copies in the As.Mus.##}. @x Among brahmanical writers## vAcaspatimiSra ##seems to be the only one who had a direct knowledge of the## prajJA- pAramitA ##doctrine; he examines it in his## nyAya-kaNika{1 ##Cf.pp. 11 ff., 145, 148 and 150 (of the reprint from the Pandit).}, ##when considering the## prAmANya-vAda ##and the## sarvajJa-vAda. 5. The plan for investigating the## prajJApAramitA ##literature. Professor Sylvain Levi has rightly pointed to the great histo- rical issues connected with the## prajJA-pAramitA ##doctrine of the## mahAyAna{2 ##Op. cit., p. 16 ff.}. He suggests foreign influence in the formation of this aspect of Buddhism{3 (La perfection de la Sapience (prajJA-pAramitA) soeur jumelle de la Sophia et de la Gnose de 1’ Asie grecque), ibid.}. ##We have already expressed our opi- nion to the effect that the Central Conception of this form of Buddhism is genuinely Indian, for it is nothing but the Monism of the ancient Upanishads and modern## advaita-vedAnta (jJAnam advayam){4 ##Cf. my Conception of Buddhist## nirvANa, ##Leningrad, 1927.}. The doctrine is moreover much older than## nAgAr- juna, ##who only has given it an extreme and very drastic expres- sion. But professor S. Levi is unquestionably right in maintain- ing that three centuries of a lively intercourse between two na- tions so highly intellectual as the ancient Greeks and the Indians were, could not but have resulted in some influences, which probably were reciprocal. Clear historical deductions will be possible when this domain of the Indian literature will have been sufficiently investigated. In two earlier works{5 (Central Conception of Buddhism), London, R. A. S. 1922, and the above mentioned (Conception of Buddhist## nirvANa).} ##we have attempted to attain intelligible and precise renderings of Bud- dhist philosophical conceptions of the first and second period of Buddhist philosophy. In a forthcoming work the same will be done regarding its third and concluding period{6 (Buddhist Logic), 2 vol. containing a full translation of the## nyAya-bindu- TIkA, ##shortly to appear in the Bibliotheca Buddhica.}. The investiga- @xi tion of the## prajJA-pAramitA ##litterature we propose to carry in the same spirit. Our chief help we derive from## zAstra, ##not from## sUtra. ##This implies a very high appreciation of the works of the great Indian and Tibetan## AcAryas. ##The comprehension of an Indian philosophical text is a task wrought with many difficul- ties. Still more difficult is the comprehension of a work deeply steeped in mysticism. We have found it indispensible to give in all important passages a double translation a strictly literal one, which utterly disregards the exigencies of the tongue into which the text is translated, and a quite free one, which utterly disre- gards the exigencies of the tongue from which it is translated. Only then can the requirement of a strict philological method be brought not to interfere with that clearness and intelligibility, which always will remain the ultimate aim of science. This fasciculus is the first instalment of a series of works devoted to the investigation of the## prajJA-pAramitA ##literature, which our Institution for the Study of Buddhist Culture proposes to undertake and carry out systematically. The next fasciculus will contain 1) an analysis of the 8 subjects and 70 points in which the doctrine of## prajJA-pAramitA ##is systematized, 2) a table of the 173 aspects of the three kinds of Omniscience, 3) a table showing the concordance between the## abhisamayAlankAra ##and the## aSTA-sAhasrikA ##and## paJcaviMzati-sAhasrikAprajJApAramitA sUtras, ##4) an Index verborum of the## zAstra, ##Sanscrit-tibetan and Tibetan-sanscrit. All this work will be carried out by the Sektion Secretary of our Institution Dr. E. Obermiller. He has also undertaken, as already mentioned, an edition of the sanscrit text of Haribhadra’s commentary. A translation of the## zAstra ##will then follow which will make use of all the materials available. The sanscrit text of the## AbhisamayAlankAra ##has been pre- pared by me from two Mss of the Cambridge University Library No. No. Add. 1628 and 1629, where it is placed at the beginning @xii before the text of the## paJcaviMzatisAhasrikA prajJApAramitA. ##The circumstance that it is a separate work has apparently escaped the attention of the compiler of the catalogue, Professor Cecil Bendall. They are respectively referred to as MSS. A and B. The whole text of the## abhisamayAlankAra ##is moreover con- tained in Haribhadra’s## Aloka. ##It is referred to as MS. C. For the reference to this MS I am indebted to E. Obermiller who writes about it (No. 107 of the Minayev collection, Miro- nov’s Catalogue)-(it is a modern copy in## devanAgarI ##charac- ters from a Napalese## laJcA ##original. It contains an unusually great number of mistakes owing to the insufficient knowledge by the scribe of the## laJcA ##alphabet; so## kSa ##always stands for## hya, kya, jya, ##etc##., za ##is frequently mistaken for## Na, va ##for## ca, bha ##for## ta ##and vice versa. Of these errors only the most striking have been quoted in the notes. In two passages, II, 6 and VIII, 4 this MS. fills up lacunes where the Tibetan version alone would not have sufficed to recover the original text). The Tibetan translation is the work of the great translator## (lotsaba) Nog Londan-zeirab (1059-1109){1 Rnog blo-Idan-zes-rab.},##with the collabo- ration of the Indian pandit Amaragomin##{2 Go-mi-hchi-med.}. ##This Lodan zeirab, ##as already mentioned, has also written an independent commen- tary on the## abhisamayAlankAra. ##The first translator was## Ka-pa Paldzeg{3 Ka-pa-dpal-brtsegs.} ##(IX century). The text here printed agrees with the block-print of the Aga monastery. In correcting the proofs E. Obermiller has consulted Hari- bhadra and the Commentaries of## Tson-khapa ##and## jam-yan- zhad-pa. Th. Stcherbatsky. @001 abhisamayAlaMkAranAmaprajJApAramitopadezazAstram || kRtirmaitreyanAthasya || oM namo maitreyanAthAya || {1. ##Bendall’s Cat.## ya: ##Both MSS.## yA.}yA sarvajJatayA nayatyupazamaM {2. ##A.## sAMteSiNa:.}zAntaiSiNa: zrAvakAn | yA mArgajJa{3. ^jJatayAM.}tayA jagaddhitakRtAM lokArthasaMpAdikA | sarvAkA {4. ##B.## sarvAkAla^.}rAmadaM vadanti munayo vizvaM yayA saMgatam {5. ##B.## saGgatA.} | {6. ##C.## tasmai.}tasyai zrAvakabodhisattvagaNino buddhasya mAtre nama: || sarvAkArajJatAmArga: {7. ##A. B.## zAsitA, ##C.## zAsigatA (##sic !##).}zAsitrA yo ‘tra dezita: | dhImanto vIkSi{8. ##A.## ^SIramtama^, ##C.## ^kSaSAraMstama^.}SIraMstamanAlI {9. ##C.## ^manAlISarairiti.}DhaM parairiti ||1|| smRtau cA{10. ##C.## bodhAya.}dhAya sUtrArthaM dharmacaryAM dazAtmikAm | {11. ##A.## sukhekhena pra^.}sukhena pratipat{12. ##A.## ^patmIra^, ##B.## ^patsIrana^, ##C.## SastIravityA^ (##sic !##).}sIrannityArambhaprayojanam ||2|| @002 prajJApAramitASTAbhi: {1. ##A.## padArthe:, ##C.## padArthA:.}padArthai: samudIritA{2. ##A.## ^dIrita; ##B.## ^thai: samudIrityatA(##sic !##).} | sarvAkArajJatA mArgajJatA sarvajJatA tata: ||3|| sarvAkArAbhisaMbodho mUrdha{3. ##A.## mUrddhaprAptA ‘nupUrvika:, ##B.## mUddhaprApto‘nupUrvi, ##C.## ‘nupUrvikA:.}prApto ‘nupUrvika: | ekakSaNAbhisaMbodho dharmakAyazca te ‘STadhA {4. ##A.## ^STedhA.} ||4|| cittotpAdo ‘vavAda{5. ##A.## vavAdaMzca, ##C.## cavAdazca. }zca nirvedhAGgaM{6. ##A.## ^dhAGgazca^; ##B.## dhAGgakca, ##C.## dhAGgaJcatuvidhA.} caturvidham | AdhAra: pratipattezca dharmadhAtusvabhAvaka: ||5|| AlambanaM {7 ##B.## ^mvanasamu^, ##C.## ^mbanaM mambadeza:.} samuddeza: sannAhaprasthitikriye {8. ##A.## prasthitakriyA.} | saMbhA{9. ##C.## saMbhArozca.}rAzca sAnaryANA: sarvAkAra{10. ##A.## ^kAragatA (##sic !##). mune:.}jJatA mune: ||6|| {11. ##A. B.## dhyAmIka^, ##C.## vyAmekaraNarAdI^ (##sic !##).}zyAmIkaraNatAdIni {12. ##C.## ziSikhaDgamagho.}ziSyakhaDgapathau ca yau | mahAnuzaMso{13. ##B.## ^nuzaso daGmArga, ##C.##nazasau dRzmArga.}dRgmArga aihikAmutrikairguNai: ||7|| kAritramadhimuktizca stuta{14. ##B.## stustobhita^.}stobhita{15. ##A.## zatmitA:, ##B.## zanmitA:, ##C.## Nasita: (##sic !##).}zastitA: | pariNAme ‘numode ca manaskArAvanuttamau ||8|| nirhAra:{16. ##A.## nirhArazu^.} zuddhiratya{17. ##B.## zuddhiraMtyattami^, ##C.## zuddhiraMbhyattami^.}ttamityayaM bhAvanApatha: | vijJAnAM bodhisattvAnAmiti mArgajJatodatA ||9|| @003 prajJa{1. ##A. B.## prajJayogabhave sthAnaM, ##C.## prajJA nab have sthAnaM.}yA nab have sthAnaM kRpayA na {2. ##A.## na same.}zame sthiti: | anupAyena {3. ##A.## duratva^}dUratvamupAyenAvidu{4. ##B.## ^yenApi dUratA.}ratA ||10|| vipakSapratipakSau ca prayoga:{5. ##C.## prayogA:.} samatAsya ca | daGmArga: zrAvakAdInAmiti sarvajJateSyate ||11|| AkArA: saprayogAzca guNadoSA: salakSaNA: | mokSanirvedhabhAgIye zaikSo{6. ##C.## zaiko.} ‘vaiva{7. ##C.## ‘vaivarttitA.}rtiko gaNa: ||12|| samatA bhavazAttyozca kSetre{8. ##C.## kSetrazuddhira^.} zuddhiranuttarA | sarvAkArAbhisaMbodha eSa sopAyakauzala: ||13|| liGgaM tasya vivRddhizca nirUDhi{9. ##B.## nirUDhicitta^.}zcittasaMsthiti: | catur{10. ##A.## caturdhAzca.}dhA ca vikalpasya prati{11. ##C.## pratipakSAzcaturvidhA:.}pakSazcaturvidha: ||14|| pratyekaM darzanAkhye ca bhAvanA{12. ##C.## ^nAkhe.}khye ca vartmani | AnattaryasamAdhizca saha vipratipattibhi: ||15|| mUrdhAbhi{13. ##B.## ^bhirsamaya^ (##sic !##)} samayastredhA{14. ##C.## ^stridhA.}dazadhA {15. ##A.## dazAdhArAnupU^.}cAnupUrvika: | ekakSaNAbhisaMbodho lakSaNena caturvidha: ||16|| svA{16. ##C.## svAtAvika: (##sic !##).}bhAvika: {17. ##C.## samAmbhogo (##sic !##).}sasaMbhogo nairmANiko ‘parastathA | dharmakAya: {18. ##B. C.## ^kAyasakA^.} sakAritrazcaturdhA samudIrita: |||17|| @004 cittotpAda: {1. ##C.## parArthA samyaksaMbodhi^. }parArthAya samyaksaMbodhikAmatA | samAsavyAsata: sA ca yathAsUtraM sa cocyate ||18|| {2. ##A##. hebhUmaca^, ##C##. bhUheca^.} bhUhemacandrajvala{3. ##C.## kSalanairni^.}nairnidhi{4. ##C.## ^nakArArNavai: (##sic !##.)}ratnAkarArNavai: | vajrAcalauSadhImitraizcintAmaNyarkagItibhi: ||19|| nRpagaJjamahAmArgayAna{5. ##C.## prazavaNAdakai: (##sic !##).}prasravaNodakai: | AnandoktinadImeghairdvAviMzratividha: {6. ##A.## dvAviMzativiMzatividha: saca: | (##sic !##).} sa ca ||20|| {7. ##A.## pratipaMnnau.} pratipattau ca satyeSu buddharatnAdiSu triSu | asaktAvaparizrAntau {8. ##C.## pratipansamirigrahe.}pratipatsaMparigrahe ||21|| cakSu:Su paJcasu jJeya: {9. ##C.## SaDabhijJAguNeSu.}SaTsvabhijJAguNeSu ca | dRgmArge bhAvanAkhye cetyavavAdo dazAtmaka: ||22|| mRdutIkSNendri{10. ##A.## ^ndriyo, ##C.## ^ndriSyai (##sic !##).}yau zraddhAdRSTiprA{11. ##A.## ^prApto.}ptau kulaMkulau | ekavIcyantarotpadya kArAkArAkaniSThagA: ||23|| {12. ##C.## srutastayo (##sic !##).}plutAstryo bhavasyAgraparago {13. ##A. B.## paramo.}ruparAgahA | dRSTadharmazrama:{14. ##A.## ^sama:, ##B.## ^samakAya^.} kAya{15. ##C.## zAkSo.}sAkSI khaDgazca viMzrati: ||24|| Alambanata AkArAddhetutvAtsaMparigrahAt | caturvikalpasaMyogaM yathAsvaM bhajJatAM satAm ||25|| @005 {1. ##C.## zrAvaketya: satya: sakhaDgebyA (##sic !##).} zrAvakebhya: sakhaDgebhyo bodhisattvasya {2. ##C.## tyAyana: (##sic !##).}tAyina: | mRdumadhyAdhimAtrANAmUSmAdInAM vizriSTatA ||26|| AlambanamanityAdi satyA{3. ##A.## zlatya^, ##B.## zlabhya^, ##C.## satyAcAraM.}dhAraM, tadAkRti: | niSedho {4. ##C.## iti: nive^.}’bhinivezAdera{5. ##A.## ^zAde he^, ##C.## ^SAde he^.}, heturyAnatrayAptaye ||27|| rUpAdyAyavyayau, viSThAsthitI{6. ##A.## sthiti.} prajJapt{7. ##A.## prajJaptavAdyate, ##B.## prajJaptyavAdyate.}yavAcyate | rUpAdAvasthitisteSAM tadbhAvenAsvabhAvatA ||28|| tayormitha:{8. ##B.## ^rmirtha:.} svabhAvatvaM tadanityAdyasaMsthiti: | tAsAM ta{9. ##A. B.## tAsAntabhAva^.}dbhAvazUnyatvaM mitha:{10. ##C.## mithasvabhAvyame^.} svAbhAvyametayo: ||29|| {11. ##A. C.## anugraho. }anudgraho yo dharmANAM, {12. ##A. C.## dhamarNittAnimittA^.}tannimittAsamIkSaNam | parIkSaNaM ca prajJayA{13. ##A. B.C.## prajJAyA:.}sarvasyAnu{14. ##^C.## palambha.}palambhata: ||30|| rUpAdera{15. ##A. B.## rUpAdeva sva^, ##C.## rUpAderarasva^.}svabhAvatvaM, tadabhAvasvabhAvatA | tadajAtiraniryANaM, zruddhis, tadanimittatA ||31|| tannimittAnadhiSThAnAnadhi{16. ##A.## ^SThAnAMnadhImu^.}muktirasaMjJatA | {17. ##C.## samAdhiM.}samAdhis, tasya kAritraM, vyAkRtir, mananA{18. ##A.## vyAkRtimananA^.}kSaya: ||32|| @006 mithastrikasya svAbhAvyaM, samAdheravikalpanA | iti nirvedhabhAgIyaM mRdumadhyAdhi{1. ##C.## ^dhimAtra.}mAtrata: ||33|| dvaividhyaM grAhyakalpasya vastutatpratipakSata:{2. ##A.## vastutatpratipakSa:.} moharA{3. ##A.## ^rANyAdi^.}zyAdibhedena pratyekaM navadhA tu sa:{4. ##C.## zA (##sic !##).} ||34|| {5. ##C.## Davya^.}dravyaprajJaptyadhiSThA{6. ##A.## ^SThAne, ##B.## ^SThAno.}no dvividho grAhako mata: | svatantrAtmAdirUpeNa, skandhAdyAzrayatastathA ||35|| cittAnavalInatvAdinai:svAbhAvyAdidezaka: | taddvipakSaparityAga: sarvathA saMparigraha: ||36|| SoDhA{7. ##A.## SADhA^, SoDhAyadigama^ (##sic !##).}dhigamadharmasya pratipakSa{8. ##A.## pratipasya.}prahANayo: | {9. ##A.## tayopa^}tapo: paryupayogasya prajJAyA: kRpayA saha ||37|| ziSyAsAdhAraNatvasya parArthAnukramasya ca | {10. ##c.## jJAnasyAdyatta^ (##sic !##).}jJAnasyAyatnavRttezca pratiSThA gotramucyate ||38|| dharmadhAtorasaMbhedA{11. ##B.## ^bhedo ‘GgAtra^ .}dgotrabhedo na yujyate | AdheyadharmabhedAttu tadbheda: {12. ##C.## parity#yata (##sic !##).}pAragIyate ||39|| AlambanaM sarvadharmAste puna: kuzalAdaya: | laukikAdhigamAkhyAzca ye ca lokottarA matA: ||40|| @007 sAsra{1. ##B.## sAzravAnAzravA.}vAnAsravA dharmA: saMskRtAsaMskRtAzca ye | ziSyasAdhAraNA dharmA ye{2. ##B.## yai vAsA^.} cAsAdhAraNA mune: ||41|| sarvasatvAgratAcittaprahANAdhigama{3. ##B.## ^dhigame traye.} traye | tribhirmahattvai{4. ##C.## ^ruDuzA.}ruddezo vijJeyo ‘yaM svayaMbhu{5. ##A.## svayastuvAm, ##C.## tUvAm (##sic !##).}vAm ||42|| dAnAdau SaDvidhe teSAM pratyekaM saMgraheNA yA | sannAhapratipAtta: sA SaDbhi: zaTkairyathoditA ||43|| dhyAnA{6. ##B.## dhyAnarUpyeSu, ##C.## rUpyesu.}rUpyeSu dAnAdau {7. ##C.## mArya (##sic !##).}mArge maitryAdikeSu ca | {8. ##A.## tato^. gatopalambhayoge ca trimaN{9. ##A.## (?) trimaNutva (?).}DalavizuddhiSu ||44|| uddeze SaTsva{10. ##C.## SaTsa bhijJAsva.}bhijJAsu sarvAkArajJatAnaye | prasthAnapratipajjJeyA mahAyAnAdhirohiNI {11. ##A.## ^rohinI.} ||45|| {12. ##c.## yadA dAnAdikaM.}dayA dAnAdikaM SaTkaM zamatha: {13. ##A. B.## zimatha, ##C.## samatha:.} savidarzana: | yuganaddhazca yo {14. ##A.## mArgA.}mArga upAye {15. ##c.## yarvakauzalaM.}yacca kauzalam ||46|| jJAnaM {16. ##A.## jJAnapuNyazca. }puNyaM ca mArgazca dhAraNI bhUmayo daza | pratipakSazca vijJeya: saMbhA{17. ##B.## sambhora^.}rapratipatkrama: ||47|| labhyate prathamA bhUmirdazadhA parikarmaNA | Azayo hitavastutvaM sattveSu samacittatA ||48|| @008 tyAga: {1. ##A.## tyAgasevAtvamitrANAM, ##B.## tyAgasaMvA ca mi^, ##C.## tyAgA: sevA ca mi^.} sevA ca mitrANAM saddharmAlambanai{2. ##A.## sadharmmAlaMbanai^, ##B.## saddharmmAlaghanai^, ##C.## saddharmAlambanaiSiNA. }SaNA | sadAnai{3. ##A.## naikramya, ##C.## naiSkarmya.}SkramyacittatvaM buddhakAyagatA spRhA ||49|| dharmasya dezanA satyaM dazamaM vAkyamiS{4. ##C.## ^Syato.}yate | jJeyaM{5. ##A.## jJeyazca.} ca parikarmaizca svabhAvAnupalambhata: ||50|| zIlaM kRtajJatA kSAnti: pramodyaM mahatI kRpA | gauravaM guruzuzrUSA vIryaM dAnAdike ‘STamam ||51|| atRptatA zrute dAnaM dharmasya ca nirAmiSaM | {6. ##C.## buddhakSetra: saMsArAyarikheditA.}buddhakSetrasya saMzuddhi: saMsArAparikheditA ||52|| hrIrapatrApyamityetatpaJcadhAmananAtmakam | vanAzAlpaicchatA tuSTi{7. ##A.## tuSTiSTaMtisaMlekhalevanaM, ##C.## tuSTitasaMlekha^.}rvratisaMlekhasevanam ||53|| zikSAyA aparityAga: kAmAnAM {8. ##B.## kAmAnAmRjugu^, ##C.## kAmAnAM ca kSugupsanaM.}vijJupsanaM | nirvRtsarvAstisaMtyAgo ‘navalInA{9. ##B.## ^lInAnapekSete, ##A.## ^nupekSete, ##C. ## saMtyAgovalInatvAnapekSate.}napekSate ||54|| saMstavaM kulamAtsaryaM sthAnaM saMgaNikAvahaM | {10. ##A.## AtmotkarSe.}AtmotkarSaparAvajJe karmamArgAnda{11. ##A.## karmamArganadazA^.}zAzubhAn ||55|| mAnaM stambhaM viparyAsaM vimatiM{12. ##C.## vimataM.} klezamarSaNam | vivarjJansamApnoti {13. ##C.## dezatAtpaJcamIstum ##(sic !)##.}dazaitAnpaJcamoM bhuvam ||56|| @009 dAnazIlakSamAvIryadhyAnaprajJAprapUraNAt | ziSya{1. ##B.## ^khaDgaM.}khyaDgaspRhAtrAsaceta{2. ##A.##^trAsaMcaitasAM.}sAM parivarjJaka: ||57|| yAcito ‘navalInazca sarvatyAge ‘pyadurmanA:{3. ##C.## ^rmana.} | kRzo pi nArthinAM{4. ##B.## nArthinA kSeptA, ##C.## nArthinA kSeptAM.}kSeptA SaSThIM{5. ##A. B.## SaSThIbhUmiM.} bhUmiM {6. ##C.## samastata.}samazrute ||58|| Atmasattvagraho jJIvapuDgalocchedazAzvatA: | nimittahe{7. ##A. C.## ^heto:.}tvo: skandheSu dhAtuSvAyataneSu ca ||59|| trai{8. ##C.## taidhAtuke.}dhAtuke pratiSThAnaM saktirAlInacittatA | ratnatritayazrIleSu taddR{9. ##A.## tadaSThya^.}STyabhinivezitA ||60|| zUnyatAyAM vivAdazca tadvirodhazca viMzati: | kalaGkA yasya vicchinnA: saptamImetyasau bhuvam{10. ##C.## bhUvam.} ||61|| trivimokSamukhajJAnaM trimaNDalavizuddhitA{11 ##C.## vizuddhatA.} | karuNAmananAdharmasamataikanaya{12. ##A.## ^kerayatA (?).}jJatA ||62|| anutpAdakSamAjJAnaM {13. ##C.## dharmaNAtmakavikaraNA ##(sic !)##.}dharmANAmekadheraNA | kalpanAyA: samuddhAta:{14. ##B.## saddhAta:, ##A.## samudyAta:.} saMjJAdRk{15. ##A.## ^dvakrakleza^, ##C.## dRkklezavarjJanA.}klezavarjJanam ||63|| zamathasya ca nidhyapti: kauzalaM ca vidarzane | citta{16. ##C.## cittasyAdAttatA^.}sya dAttatAjJAnaM sarvatrApratighAti ca ||64|| @010 {1. ##A.## saptera^.}sakterbhUmiryatrecchaM kSetrAttaragati: sama{2. ##A. deest samaM, ##C.## ^gatisama ##(sic !)##.}m | sarvatra svAtmabhAvasya darzanaM ceti viMzati: ||65|| sarvasattvamanojJAnamabhijJAkrIDa{3. ##A. B. C.## ^krIDane.}naM zubhA | buddhakSetrasya niSpattirbuddhasevAparIkSaNe ||66|| akSajJAnaM ji{4. ##A.## ^kSetraM zruddhimAyo^, ##B.C.## ^kSetrazruddhi^.}nakSetrazruddhirmAyopamA sthiti: | saMcittya ca bhavAdAnamidaM karmASTa{5. ##C.## ^STacoditaM.}dhoditaM ||67|| praNidhAnAnyanattAni devAdInAM rutajJatA | nadIva{6. ##A. B.## nadI ca.} pratibhAnAnAM garbhAva{7. ##A.## gabhavakratti^.}krAttiruttamA ||68|| kulajJAtyozca gotra{8. ##C.## grAtusya ##(sic !)##.}sya parivArasya jJanmana: | naiSkramyabodhivRkSANAM{9. ##A.## ^vRkSAnAM} guNa{10. ##A.## guNaparezca, ##C.## guNapUresva.}pUrezca saMpada: ||69|| nava {11. ##A.## bhUmira^.}bhUmIratikramya buddhabhUmau pratiSThate | yena jJAnena sA jJeyA dazamI bodhasattvabhU: ||70|| pratipakSo ‘STadhA jJeyo darzanAbhyAsamArgayo: | grAhyagrAhAvakal{12. ##C.## ^kekalpanAnAmaSTAnAmUyasAttaye ##(sic !)##.}pAnAmaSTAnAmupazAntaye ||71|| uddeze samatAyAM ca sattvArthe yatnavarjJane | atyantAya{13. ##A.## atyantA ya ca, ##C.## atyantAya ca.} ca niryANaM niryANaM prAptilakSaNam ||72|| @011 sarvAkArajJatAyAM ca niryANaM mArgagocaram | niryANapratipajJjJeya seyamaSTAvadhAtmikA ||73|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre sarvAkArajJatAdhikAra: prathama: || {1. ##A. B.## dhyAmI^, ##C.## vyAme^.}zyAmIkaraNatA bhAbhirdevAnAM yogya{2. ##B.## yogatAM.}tAM prati | viSayo niyato {3. ##C.## prApti:.}vyApti: svabhAva{4. ##A. B.## svabhAvatasya.}stasya karma ca ||1|| caturNAmAryasatyAnAmAkArAnupalambhata: | zrAvakANAmayaM mArgo jJeyo {5. ##A.## mArgojJatA^.}mArgajJatAnaye ||2|| rUpAdiskandhazUnya{6. ##B.## zunyatAcchu^, ##C.## ^zUnyatAcchanya^.}tvAcchUnyatAnAmabhedata: | {7. ##A. omits 2/1/2 slokas beginning## USmaNo.}USmaNo, ‘nupalambhena teSAM {8. ##B.## mUddha^.}mUrdhagataM mata{9. ##C. omits##.}m ||3|| {10. ##B.## kSAttiyasta^, ##C.## kSAttayA: teSu.}kSAttayasteSu nityAdiyogasthAnaniSedhata: | dazabhUmI: samArabhya vistArAsthAnadezanAt ||4|| agradharmagataM proktamAryazrAvakavartmani | tatkasya hetorbuddhena {11. ##C.## budhyAdharma^.}buddhA dharmAsamIkSaNAt ||5|| paropadezavaiya{12. ##B.## vaiyaSTya.}rSTayaM svayaMbodhAtsvayaMbhuvAM | gambhIra{13. ##A. B. omits 4 syllalbles after## ^bhuvAM}tA ca jJAnasya khaDgAnAmabhidhIyate ||6|| @012 zru{1. ##C.## srazruSA ##(sic !)##.}zrUSA yasya yasyArthe yatra yatra yathA yathA | sa so ‘rtha: khyAtyazabdopi tasya tasya tathA tathA ||7|| yAhyArthakalpanAhAnAd grAhakasyApra{2. ##B.## ^prahAnata:.}hANata: | AdhAratazca vijJeya: khaDgamArgasya saMgraha: ||8|| prajJa{3. ##A.## prajJaptAraviro^, ##B.## prajJaptyaraviro^.}pterAvarodhena dharmatAsUcanA{4. ##A. B.## ^kRtI.}kRta: | USma{5. ##C.## USmagataM.}gaM, mUrdhaga rUpAdyahAnAdi{6. ##C. omits##.}prabhAvirtam ||9|| adhyAtmazUnyatAdyAbhI rU{7. ##B.## rUpAdeva^}pAderaparigrahAt{8. ##A.## ^raparigraho (?).} | kSAntI, {9. ##A.## kSAntirU^}rUpAdyanutpAdA{10. ##A.## ^nutpAdAkArai^.}dyAkArairagradharmatA ||10|| kSAntijJAna{11. ##A.## ^kSaNi: (?).}kSaNai: satyaM satyaM prati caturvidhai: | mArgajJatAyAM daGmArga: sAnuzaMso ‘ya{12. ##B.## ^zansomamucyate, ##A.## ^zanmoyamucyate, ##C.## santUzaMso ‘yamucyate.}mucyate ||11|| AdhA{13. ##A.## AdhAradheyatA^, ##C.## AdhAradheyatA^.}rAdheyatA’bhAvAttatha{14. ##B.## ^tAvuyormmiatha:, ##A.## ^tAvuddhayo mitha:.}tAbuddhayormitha: | paryAyeNAnanujJAnaM, maha{15. ##A.## mahantA, ##B.## mahaMtA.}ttA,sApramANatA ||12|| parimANAntatA’bhA{16. ##B.## ^'bhAvau, ##A.## ^bhAvo.}vo, rUpAderava{17. ##A. B.## rUpAdevavadhAraNaM.}dhAraNam | {18. ##A.## tasyA.}tasyAM sthitasya buddhatve, {19. ##A. B.## ^tve ‘nugrahA^.}’nudgrahAtyAga:tAdaya: ||13|| @013 maitryAdi, zrUnyatA,{1. ##B.## ^zrUnyAtA.} prAptirbuddhatvasya, parigraha: | sarvasya vyavadAnasya, sarvAdhivyAdhizAntanam ||14|| nirvANagrAhazAntatvaM, buddhebhyo rakSaNAdikam | aprANivadhamArabhya sarvAkArajJatAnaye ||15|| svayaMsthitasya sattvAnAM sthApanaM, pariNA{2. ##A.## pariNAmalaM.}manam | dAnAdInAM ca saMbodhAviti mArgajJatAkSaNA: ||16|| sarvato damanaM nAma: {3. ##B.## sarvataklethape: (##sic !), C.## sarvata: klezaMnirjJaya:.}sarvata: klezanirjJaya: | upakramAviSa{4. ##C.## ^viSakSAtvaM bodhirAdhAramokSatA (##sic ! ##).}ktatvaM bodhirAdhArapUjyatA ||17|| adhimuktistridhA jJeyA svArthA ca svaparArthikA | {5. ##C.## parArthiko vetyeSA.}parAsthikaivetyeSA ca pratyekaM trividheSyate ||18|| mRdvI MadhyAdhimAtrA ca mRdumRdvAdibhedata: | sA punastrividhetyeyaM saptaviMzatidhA matA ||19|| stuti: stobha:{6. ##A.## kobha:, ##C.## stota:.} prazaMsA{7. ##A. B.## prasaMsA, ##C.## prasasA (##sic !##).}ca prajJApAramitAM prati | adhimokSasya mAtrANAM navakaistribhiriSyate{8. ##C.## ^riSTate.} ||20|| vizeSapariNAmastu tasya kAritramuttamam | nopalambhAkRtizcAsAvaviparyAsalakSaNa: ||21|| @014 vivikto buddhapuNyaughasvabhAvasmRtigocara: | sopAyazcAnimittazca buddhairabhyanumodita: ||22|| traidhAtukAprapannazca pariNAmo ‘parastridhA | mRdumadhyA{1. ##A.## mRdurmadhyodhi^, ##B.## mRdumadhyodhi^.}dhimAtrazca mahApuNyodayAtmaka: ||23|| upAyAnupalambhAbhyAM zrubhamUlAnumo{2. ##B.## ^modamA (##sic !##).}danA | anumode manaskArabhAvaneha vidhIyate ||24|| svabhAva: zreSThatA tasya sarvasyAnabhisaMskRti: | nopalambhena dharmANAmarpaNA ca mahArthatA ||25|| buddhasevA ca dAnAdirUpAye yacca kauzalam | hetavo ‘trAdhimokSasya, dharmavyasanahetava: ||26|| mArAdhiSThAnagambhIradharmatAnadhimukta{3. ##A.## ^muktaM te.}te | {4. ##C.## skandhAdibhinivezazca.}skandhAdyabhinivezazca pApamitraparigraha: ||27|| {5. ##C.## phalavizuddhizca rUpAdivizuddhireva.}phalazuddhizca rUpAdizuddhireva tayo{6. ##A.## tayAdvaryo: (##sic !##). ##C.## tayordvayo:.}rdvayo: | abhinnAcchinnatA yasmAditi zuddhirudIritA ||28|| klezajJeyatrimArgasya zi{7. ##C.## ziSakhaDga^.}SyakhaDgajinaurasAm | hAnAdvizuddhirAtya{8. ##A.## ^rAtyantikIrtta^, ##B.## ^rAbhyantikIrtta^.}ntikI tu buddhasya sarvathA ||29|| @015 mRdumRdvAdiko mArga: zuddhi{1. ##A. B.## zuddhinavasu, ##C.## zuddhinnavasu.}rnavasu bhUmiSu | adhimAtrAdhimAtrAdermalasya pratipakSata: ||30|| tridhAtupratipakSatvaM samatA{2. ##B.## samatAnameyayo: ##(sic !), C.## samatAyAnameyayo:.} mAnameyayo: | mArgasya ceSyate tasya codyasya parihArata: ||31|| abhisayayAlaGkare prajJApAramitopadezazAstre mArgajJatAdhikAro dvitIya:{3. ##A. B.## ^dhikArapariccheda:.} || nA{4. ##C.## nApareNapare.}pare na pare tIre nAntarAle tayo:{5. ##B. C.## tayosthitA.}sthitA | adhvanAM samatAjJAnAt prajJApAramitA ma{6. ##A.## matA:.}tA ||1|| anupAyena dUraM sA{7. ##A.## dUraM sAMlanimitta^(##sic. !##).}sanimittopalambhata: | upAya{8. ##B.## upAyAkauzalenA^.}kauzalenAsyA:{9. ##A.## ^nAsyA.} samyagAsanna{10. ##C.## samyagAsannoditA.}toditA ||2|| rUpAdiskandhazUnyatve dharmeSu tryadhvageSu ca | {11. ##C.## rAnAdau (##sic. !##).}dAnAdau bodhipakSeSu caryAsaMjJA vipakSatA{12. ##B.## ^pakSato.} ||3|| dAnAdiSvana{13. ##B.## ^nahakAra:.}haMkAra: pareSAM tanniyojanam | saMga{14. ##A.## ^koTi^, ##B.## ^koTI^.}koTiniSedho ‘yaM sUkSma: saMgo jinAdiSu ||4|| @016 tadgAmbhIryaM prakRtyaiva vivekAddharmapaddha{1 ##A.## vivakAddhamayaiddhate:, ##C## vivekAddharmayadvate:.}te:| ekaprakRtikaM jJA{2 ##A.## jJAna, ##C.## jJANa.}naM {3 ##C.## dharmANAtsaMga^.}dharmANAM saMgavarjanam ||5|| {4 ##A. B.## dRSTvA^.}dRSTAdipratiSedhena tasya durbodha{5 ##A.## duvedhitoditA, ##C##. durbodhatA matA.}toditA | rUpA{6 ##B##.## nUpodi^.}dibhiravijJAnA{7 ##B.## ^jJAnotta^.}ttadacintyatvamiSyate ||6|| evaM kRtvA yathokto vai jJeya: sarvajJatAnaye | ayaM vibhAgo ni:zeSo vipakSapratipakSayo: ||7|| rUpAdau tadanityAdau tadapUriprapUrayo:{8 ##A.## ^rayo.} | tadasaMgatve caryAyA: {9 ##A.B.## prayogapratiSedhata:.}prayoga: pratiSedhata: ||8|| avikAro na kartA ca prayogo duSkarastridhA | yathAbhavyaM phalaprApteravandhyo{10 ##A.##^vandhya ‘bhima^, ##B.## ^vandho ‘bhi^, ##C.## ^vaMdhyeti matazca sa:.} ‘bhimatazca sa: {11 ##A.## sa.} ||9|| aparapratyayo yazca saptadhAkhyAtivedaka: | caturdhA’mananA tasya rupAdau samatA matA{12 ##A.## matA:, ##B. omits, C.## rUpAdau samatAdau sanAmatA ##(sic !)##.} ||10|| dharmajJA{13 ##B.## dharmajJAnvaya^.}nAnvayajJAna{14 ##A.## ^nvayajJAya^.kSAntajJAnakSaNAtmaka: | du:khAdisat{15 ##A.## ^satyadR^.}ye dRGmArga eSa{16 ##A.B.## eSa:} sarvajJatAnaye ||11|| @017 rU{1 ##C.## rUpannityannAnimatItAntaM ##(sic !).##}paM na nityaM nAnityamatItAntaM vizuddhaka{2 ##B.## ^JuddhaMkaM ##(sic !)##.}m | anutpannAniruddhAdi vyomAbhaM lepavarjitam ||12|| parigraheNa nirmuktamavyAhAraM svabhAvata: | {3 ##C.## yuvyAhAreNa.}pravyAhAreNa nAsyArtha: pareSu prApyate yata: ||13|| nopa{4 ##A.## nopalakR (?) datyanta^, ##B.## nopalakSadatyanta^, ##C.## nopalambhakRdanta^.}lambhakRdatyantavizuddhirvyAdhyasaMbhava: | {5 ##A.## apAyecchi^, ##B.## apayecchi^.}apAyocchittyakalpa{6 ##B.## ^kalpetve, ##A.C.## ^kalpatve.}tvaM phalasAkSAtkriyAM prati ||14|| asaMsargo nimittaizca vastuni vyaJjane dvayo:{7 ##A. B. C.## dvayo.} | jJAnasya {8 ##C.## prAcAnutpattiriti.}yA cAnutpattiriti sarvajJa{9 ##B.## savatAkSaNA:.}tAkSaNa: ||15|| iti seyaM puna: seyaM seyaM khalu {10 ##A.## iti zeyaM puna: zaiyaM ziyaM khalu pumtridhA, ##B.## iti zeyaM puna: seyaM seyaM khalu punastridhA.}punastridhA | adhikAratrayasyaiSA samApti: paridIpitA ||16|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre sarvajJatAdhikArastRtIya: || vastujJAnaprakArA{11 ##A.## ^prakArAtmyamA^ (?).}NAmAkArA iti lakSaNam | sarvajJatAnAM traividhyAttrividhA eva te matA: ||1|| @018 {1 ##C.## asadAkAlamA^.}asadAkAramArabhya yAvannizcalatAkRti: | catvAra: prA{2 ##A.## catvAra: pratiraprati satyante, ##C.## catvAraM pratipatyante ##(sic !)##}ta satyaM te mA{3 ##A.## mArgapaJca^.}rge paJcadaza smRtA: ||2|| hetau {4 ##A.## mArgaca.}mArge ca {5 ##A.B.## duSkhe.}du:khe ca nirodhe ca yathAkramam | aSTau te sapta paJceti SoDazeti ca kIrtitA: ||3|| smRtyupasthAnamArabhya buddhatvAkArapazcimA: | zi{6 ##C.## ziSANAM.}SyANAM bodhisattvAnAM buddhAnAM ca yathAkramam ||4|| {7 ##A.## saptatriza^.}saptatriMzaccatustriMzanna{8 ##A. B.## triMzanneva.}va ca te matA:{9 ##B.## matetA:.} | trisarvajJatvabhedena mArgasatyAnu{10 ##C.## ^nuroSata:.}rodhata: ||5|| kRtAdhikArA buddheSu teSU{11 ##A. B.## teSuphabhumamUlakA: ##(sic !), C.## teSuptazubhamUlakA:}ptazubhamUlakA: | {12 ##A. B.## mitraisanAthAkA^, ##C.## mitraisanAthA:.}mitrai: sanAthA: kalyANairasyA:{13 ##A.## ^rasyA.} zravaNabhA{14 ##A.## ^bhojanai.}janam ||6|| buddhopAsanasaMpraznadAnazIlAdica{15 ##A.## cayaryA.}ryayA | udgrahadhAraNAdInAM bhAjanatvaM {16 ##C.## satAtmatam,}satAM matam ||7|| rUpAdiSvanavasthAnAtteSu yoganiSedhata: | tattatha{17 ##A.## tattathAgatAgambhIra^.}tAgambhIratvAtteSAM {18 ##A.## ^tteSanuravagAhata:, ##C.## duravamohata:,}duravagAhata: ||8|| @019 tadaprAmANyata: kRcchrA{1 ##A.## kRcchAcireNa.}ccireNa pratibodhata: | vyAkRtAvaviva{2 ##A.## ^tA ca nivarttAtte, ##B.## ^tA cAnivattyatve, ##C.## ^tAvavivartyatve.}rtyatve niryANe sanirantare ||9|| Asa{3 ##B.## asanna^, ##C.## Asannibodhi.}nnabodhe kSipraM ca parArthe {4 ##B.## parArthe ‘vRdvyahArita:, ##A.## parArthe: vRddhyahArita:, ##C.## parArthe ‘vRddhyahAnitA:.}’vRddhyahAnita: | dharmAdharmAdyadRSTau ca rUpAcintyAdyadarzane ||10|| rUpAdes{5 ##A.## rUpAdestaministasya.}tannimittasya tadbhAvasyAvikalpaka: | {6 ##C.## kalaratna^.}phalaratnapradAtA ca zuddhaka: sAvadhizca sa: ||11|| mArANAM zaktihAnyAdizcaturdazavidho guNa: | doSAzca {7 ##C.## yadvivoddhavyAzca^.}SaDviboddhavyAzcaturbhirdazakai: saha ||12|| {8 ##A. C.## lakSate.}lakSyate yena tajjJeyaM lakSaNaM trividhaM ca {9 ##A. B.## tam.}tat | jJAnaM vizeSa:{10 ##A.## vizeSakAritraM, ##C.## jJAnazeSaMkAritraM.} kAritraM svabhAvo {11 ##B.## svabhAvozca lakSyate, ##C.## svabhAvo yazca lakSate.}yazca lakSyate ||13|| tathAgatasya nirvRttau{12 ##A. C.## nivRttau.} loke cAlu{13 ##A. B.## cAlupyanAtmake, ##C.## ^vRttau ke cAlukSanAtmake.}mpanAtmake | sattvAnAM cittacaryAsu {14 ##C.## tatasaMkSaye.}tatsaMkSepe bahirgatau ||14|| akSayAkAratAyAM ca sarAgAdau pravi{15 ##A.## pravistate, ##C.## prastRte.}stRte | {16 ##A.## mahadgate:.}mahadgate ‘pramANe ca vijJAne cAnidarzane{17 ##A.## cAnidarzanaM.} ||15|| @020 adRzyacittajJAne ca tadunmiJjA{1 ##A.## tadunmijodi, ##B.## tadunmiGgAdi.}disaMjJakam{2 ##A.## saMjJAkaM.} | punastathatAkAreNa teSAM jJAnamata:{3 ##C.## ^matA: param.} param ||16|| tathatAyAM {4 ##A.## munebodhai, ##C.## munervAdastatparA^.}munerbodhe tatparAkhyAnamityayam | sarvajJatAdhikAreNa jJAnalakSaNasaMgraha: ||17|| zUnyatve sAnimitte ca {5 ##C.## praNidhAravivarjite.}praNidhAnavivarjane | anu{6 ##B.## anutpAdo.}tpAdAnirodhAdau dharmatAyA {7 ##C.## akopata.}akopane ||18|| asaMskAre{8 ##A. B.## asaMskAre vika^.}’vikalpe ca prabhedAlakSaNatvayo: | mArgajJatAdhikAreNa jJAnalakSaNami{9 ##B.## ^mikSate.}Syate ||19|| {10 ##C.## sudharmAmupaNizritya.}svadharmamupanizritya vihAre tasya satkRtau | gurutve mAnanAyAM ca tatpUjAkRtakatvayo: ||20|| sarvatravRtti{11 ##C.## ^vRttimajJAna^.}saMjJAnamadRSTasya ca {12 ##C.## darzanaM.}darzakam | lokasya zUnyatAkArasU{13 ##A. B.## zUcaka^, ##C.## sucaka^.}cakajJApakA{14 ##C. omits.##}kSagam ||21|| acintyazA{15 ##A.## ^zAtatA^.}ntatAdarzi loka{16 ##C.## lokaM.}saMjJAnirodhi ca | jJAnalakSaNamityuktaM sarvAkArajJatAnaye ||22|| @021 acintyAdivizeSeNa viziSTai:{1 ##A.## viziSTe:.} satyagocarai:{2 ##A.## ^gocare:.} | vizeSalakSaNaM SaDbhirdazabhizcoditaM kSaNai:{3 ##A. omits:##} ||23|| acintyA{4 ##C.## ^tulyate.}tulyatve meya{5 ##A.## meyaM saM^.}saMkhyayo: samatikramau | {6 ##B.## sarvAryasaMge ho vi^, ##C.## sarvAsaMgraho.}sarvAryasaMgraho vijJavedyA{7 ##A. B.## ^vaidya^, ##C.## vaidyAsAdhAraNajJate.}sAdhAraNajJatve ||24|| kSiprajJA{8 ##A.## jJAnpuna^, ##B.## jJAntpuna^ ##or## ntyUna^, ##C.## jJAnyuna^.}nyUnapUrNatve pratipatsamudAgamau | AlambanaM ca sAdhAraM sAkalyaM{9 ##B.## sAkalpasaM^.} saMparigraha: ||25|| anAsvAdazca{10 ##A.## anAzvAdazca vijJa: So ‘zAtmaka:, ##B.## vijJayo, ##C.## anAsvAdAzca vijJeyA.}vijJeyo vizeSa: SoDazAtmaka: | vizeSamA{11 ##A.B.## ^mArgA.}rgo mArgebhyo ye{12 ^yemAnyebhyo.}nAnyebhyo viziSyate ||26|| hitaM sukhaM ca trANaM ca zaraNaM layanaM nRNAm | {13 ##A.## paroyaNaJca (?), ##C.## parAyanaM ca.}parAyaNaM ca dvIpaM ca pariNAyakasaMjJakam ||27|| anAbhogaM{14 ##A.## tibhiryA^.} tribhiryAnai: phalAsAkSAtkriyAtmakam | pazci{15 ##B.C.## pazcimaM.}magatikAritramidaM kAritralakSaNam ||28|| klezaliGganimittAnAM vipakSapratipakSayo: | viveko duSkarai{16 ##A.## duSkaraikrAMntA^.}kAntA{17 ##A.B.## ^buddhezo, ##C.## vRddheze.}vuddezo ‘nupalambhaka: ||29|| @022 niSi{1 ##C.## niSaddhA^.}ddhAbhinivezazca yazcAlambanasaMjJaka: | vipratyayo ‘vighA{2 ##A.## ‘vighAMtI, ##C.## ‘vIdyAtIva.}tI ca so ‘padAgatyajAtika: ||30|| tathatAnupalambhazca sva{3 ##C.## svabhAvA:.}bhAva: SoDazAtmaka: | {4 ##A.B.## lakSmova, ##C.## lakSmIva kSataiveti ##(sic !).##}lakSmeva lakSyate ceti caturthalakSaNaM matam ||31|| animi{5 ##C.## pradhAnAdhi^.}ttapradAnAdisamudA{6 ##B.## samudAgema^.}gamakauzalam | sarvAkArAvabodhe ‘smi{7 ##C.## ‘sminamokSabhAgIyaziSyate ##(sic !).##}nmokSabhAgIyamiSyate ||32|| buddhAdyAlambanA zraddhA {8 ##A.## vIyadAnA^.}vIryaM dAnAdigocaram | {9 ##C.## smRtyarAzaya^.}smRtirAzayasaMpatti: samAdhiravikalpanA ||33|| dharmeSu sarvairAkA{10 ##A. B. omits, C.## sarvarAkAraijJAnaM.}rairjJAnaM {11 ##B.## jJAnaM prajJati pa^.}prajJeti paJcadhA | tIkSNai: subodhA saMbodhi{12 ##A. omits, C.## saMbodhistIkSnA: subodhA.}rdurbodhA mRdubhirmatA ||34|| AlambanaM sarve{13 ##A.## sarvasavA, ##C.## AlambanA: sarvasa ##(sic !)##.} sattvA USmaNAmiha zasyate | samacittAdirAkArasteSveva daza{14 ##A.## ^stenveva dazavodina:, ##B.## ^steSveva dazavodina:, ##C.## ^steSvava dazadhodita:.}dhodita: ||35|| svayaM pApAnnivRttasya dAnAdyeSu sthitasya ca | {15 ##C.## yayorniyojJanAnyeSAM.}tayorniyojanAnyeSAM varNavAdAnukUlate ||36|| @023 mUrdhagaM svaparAdhAraM satyajJA{1 ##B.## ^jJAnaMntathA.}naM tathA kSamA | tathAgradharmA vijJeyA: sattvAnAM {2 ##A. B.## yAcanA^, ##C.## pAcanAdhibhi:}pAcanAdibhi: ||37|| nirvedhAGgAnyupAdAya darzanAbhyAsamArgayo: | ye{3 ##C.## yo.} bodhisattvA varttante so ‘trAvaivartiko gaNa: ||38|| rUpAdibhyo nivRttyA{4 ##A.omits, C.## nivRttyAdyailiGge.}dyairliGgairviM{5 ##C.## viMzativeritai:.}zatidheritai: | {6 ##A.## nirvedhAGge.}nirvedhAGgasthitasyedamavaivArtakalakSaNam ||39|| rUpAdibhyo nivRttizca vicikitsA’kSaNakSayau{7 ##A.## ^kSayo, ##C.## ‘kSayAkSayau.} | {8 ##B.## atmanA.}AtmanA kuzalasthasya pareSAM tanni{9 ##A. C.## taniyojanam.}yojanam ||40|| parAdhAraM ca dAnAdi gambhIre ‘rthe ‘pya{10 ##A.B.C.## ^ppakAkSaNaM.}kAGkSaNam | maitraM kAyAdyasaMvAsa: paJcadhAvaraNena ca ||41|| sarvAnuzayahAnaM ca smRtasaMprajJatA zuci | cIvarAdi zarIre ca {11 ##B.## krimINA^, ##C.## kramINAma^.}kRmINAmasamudbhava:{12 ##B.## ^bhara:.} ||42|| cittAkauTilyamAdAnaM {13 ##A. C.## dhutasyA^.}dhUtasyAmatsarAditA | {14 ##A.## dharmantA^, ##C.## dharmatAyuktatAmItvaM.}dharmatAyuktagAmitvaM lokArthaM narakaiSaNA ||43|| parairaneyatA mArasyAnyamA{15 ##C.## ^rgApadezanA:.}rgopadezina: | mAra ityavabodhazca caryA buddhAnumoditA ||44|| @024 USmamU{1 ##B.## uSmamUrddhAsu ##(sic !), C.## USAmUrddhasaskAntriSva^ ##(sic !).##}rddhasu sakSantiSvagra{2 ##B. omits.##}dharmeSu ca sthita: | liGgaira{3 ##B.## liMgaivamI^ ##(sic !), c.## liGgairamIbhirviMsatyA.}mIbhirviMzatyA saMbodherna vivartate ||45|| kSAntijJAnakSaNA:{4 ##A. omits:##} SaT{5 ##A.## SadvapaMcacadRa^, ##B.## SaTcapaJcapaJcayadR^, ##C.## SaTprapaJcapaJca ca dRkSathe ##(sic !).##} ca paJcapaJca ca dRkapathe | bodhisatvasya vijJeyamavaivartikalakSaNAm ||46|| rUpAdisaMjJAvyAvRtti{6 ##A.## ^vRttiddArdyacittasya, ##B.## ^vRttirddAcittasya, ##C.## ^vRttidArghAcittasya.}rdArdyaM cittasya hInayo: | {7 ##A.## yAnayovini^, ##B.## pAnayovini^, ##c.## yAnayovini^.}yAnayorvinivRttizca dhyAnAdyaGgaparikSaya: ||47|| kAya{8 ##c.## ^cittola^.}cetolaghutvaM ca kAmasevAbhyupAyikI | sadaiva {9 ##C.## bukSnacAritve jIvasya ##(sic !).##}brahmacAritvamAjIvasya vizuddhatA ||48|| skandhAdAvantarAyeSu sambhAre sendriyAdike | samare {10 ##c.## samarAdau ca.}matsarAdau ca neti yogA{11 ##A.## neti yogAtrayogayo, ##B.## neti yogAyogayo:, ##C.## yAganuyogayo:.}nuyogayo: ||49|| vihAraprAtaSedhazca{12 ##A.## pratipadhazca.} dharmasyANorala{13 ##A.## dharmmaspAzAlarabdhatA (?), ##B.## dharmmaspANoralabdhato (?), ##C.## dharmasyAnoralabdhatA.}bdhatA | nizcitatvaM sva{14 ##C.## sabhUmau.}bhUmau ca bhUmitritayasaMsthiti:{15 ##A.## ^sthita:, ##C.## bhUmitretrayamaMsthitA:.} ||50|| @025 {1 ##C.## dharmArthaM.}dharmArthe jIvitatyAga ityamI SoDaza kSaNA: | avaivartikaliGgA{2 ##A.## lIgAni.}ni {3 ##C.## dRghmArgasthasya.}dRGmArgasthasya dhIma{4 ##C.## vimatta ##(sic !).##}ta: ||51|| gambhIro bhAvanAmArgo gAmbhIryaM zUnyatAdikam | samAro{5 ##B.## samorApAyavAdAttamu^, ##A.## samAropAyavAdAttamu^, ##C.## samAropapAvAdAttamu^.}pApavAdAttamuktatA sA gabhIratA ||52|| cintAtula{6 ##B.## ^tulanamidhyA^.}nanidhyAnAnyabhIkSNAM bhAvanApatha:{7 ##C.## ^matha:.} | nirvedhA{8 ##C.## nirvedhAGgepradRGmArga.}GgeSu dRGmArge bhAvanAmArga eva ca ||53|| {9 ##A.## prAvakatvAdi^, ##B.## prArandhi^.}prAvandhikatvAdiSTo {10 ##B.## ^diSTAsau.}’sau {11 ##C.## navavA.}navadhA ca prakArata: | mRdumadhyAdhimAtrANAM {12 ##A.## punasmRddhApi^ (?).}punarmRdvAdibhedata: ||54|| {13 ##A.## asaGkhayAyAdi^, ##B.## asaMkhyayAdi^.}asaMkhyeyAdinirdezA: paramArthena {14 ##c.## rakSama: ##(sic !)).##}na kSamA: | kRpAniSya{15 ##C.## ^niSpanna^.}ndabhUtAste saMvRttyAbhimatA mune: ||55|| na hAnivR{16 ##A.## ^vRddhi pUjyaMte, ##C.## hAnivRddhinuyUhyate ##(sic !).##}ddhI pujyete nirAlApasya vastuna: | bhAvanAkhyena kiM hInaM vartma{17 ##A. omits.##}nA kimudAgatam ||56|| yathA bodhistathai{18 ##B.## tathAvAsA^.}vAsAviSTasyArthasya sAdhaka: | tathatAlakSaNA bodhi: so ‘pi {19 ##A.## mopi talakSaNe, ##C.## sopillakSaNo.}tallakSaNo mata: ||57|| @026 pUrveNa bodhirno{1 ##A.## nImUktA (?), ##B.## nImuktA, ##C.## ^rnoyuktA.} yuktA manasA pazcimena vA | dIpadRSTAntayogena gambhIrA dharmatASTadhA ||58|| utpAde ca nirodhe ca tatha{2 ##A.## tathAtAyA^.}tAyAM gabhIratA | jJeye jJAne ca{3 ##A. omits## ca.} caryAyAmadvayopAyakauzale ||59|| svapnopamatvAddharmANAM bhavazA{4 ##C.## sAntyo ca kalpanA.}ntyorakalpanA | karmAbhAvAdicodyA{5 ##C.## codhyAnAM.}nAM parihAro{6 ##A.## parihANyazodita:, ##B.## pArahArAyazcoditA:, ##C.## parihArA yA vodhitA:.} yathodita: ||60|| {7 ##A.## yatvaloka^.}sattvalokasya yA ‘zuddhistasyA: {8 ##A.## zuddhyapatrArata: ##or## ^paDArata:, ##C.## staddhurahAratA: ##(sic !).}zuddhyupahArata: | tathA bhAjJanalokasya buddhakSetrasya zuddhatA ||61|| viSayo ‘sya prayogazca zA{9 ##C.## mAtravANAma^.}travANAmatikrama: | apratiSThA yathAvedhamasAdhAraNalakSaNA: ||62|| asakto ‘nupalambhazca nimittapraNidhikSata: | {10 ##A. B.## talliGgazcApra^.}talliGgaM cApramANaM ca dazadhopAyakauzalam ||63|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre sarvAkArAbhisaMbodhAdhikArazcaturtha: || @027 svapnAntare 'pi svapnA{1 ##B.## svapnobha^, ##C.## svapnAbhA^.}bhasarvadharmekSaNAdikam | mUrddhaM prAptasya yogasya liGgaM dvAdazaMdhA matam ||1|| jAmbudvIpajaneya{2 ##C.## ^yatto.}ttAbuddhapUjA{3 ##B. C.## ^pUjAM.}zubhAdikam | upamAM bahudhA kRtvA vivRddhi: SoDazAtmikA ||2|| trisarvajJatvadharmANAM {4 ##C.## pariranuttarA.}paripUriranuttarA | aparityakta{5 ##C.## ^sarvArthA.}sattvArthA nirUDhirabhidhIpate ||3|| catudvIrpakasAhasradvitrisAhasrakopamA: | kRtvA puNyabahutvena samAdhi: parikIrtita: ||4|| pravRttau ca ni{6 ##B. repeats## nivRttau ca ##twice.##}vRttau ca {7 ##C.## pratikaM.}pratyekaM tau navA{8 ##C.## naivAtmakau ##(sic !).##}tmakau | grAhyau vikalpau vijJeyAvayathAviSayAtmakau ||5|| dravyaprajJaptisatsattve vikalpau grAhakau matau | pRthagjanAryabhedena pratyekaM tau navAtmakau ||6|| grAhyau {9 ##A.## ccenna ##(sic !).##}cenna tathA sto ‘rtho kasya tau grAha{10 ##C.## grAhako mato.}kau matau | iti grAhakabhAvena zUnyatA lakSaNaM tayo: ||7|| eSa svabhAve gotre{11 ##A. omits all that follows## gotre ##up to## ‘dhimasya ##v. 10##.} ca pratipatsamudAgame | jJAnasyAlambanAbhrAttau vipa{12 ##C.## pratipakSavipakSayo:.}kSapratipakSayo: ||8|| @028 svasminnadhigame kartRta{1 ##B.## takAritra^, ##C.## tatkAritrAtva.}tkAritrakriyAphale | pravRttipakSAdhiSThAno vikalpo navadhA mata: ||9|| bhavazAntiprapAtitvAt nyUnatve ‘dhigamasya ca | parigrahasyAbhAve ca vaikalye pratipaM gate ||10|| parapratyayagAmitve samuddeze{2 ##B. C.## samuddezani^.} nivartane{3 ##A.## ^vartane:, ##C.## ^vartanai.} | {4 ##C.## prAdezakatvenanAnAtuSTAna^ ##(sic !), A. B.## Adezikatve.}prAdezikatve nAnAtve sthAnaprasthAnamohayo: ||11|| pRSThato gamane ceti vikalpo ‘yaM navAtmaka: | nivRttipa{5 ##A.## nivRttI^.}kSAdhiSThAna:{6 ##A.## ^dhisthAna:.} zrAvakAdima{7 ##A.## ^Sanobhava:.}nobhava: ||12|| grAhaka: prathamo jJeyo grahaNapratimokSaNe | ma{8 ##A.## manakriyA^, ##C.## manaskriyAM ca dhAtUnAM.}naskriyAyAM dhAtUnAmupazleSe trayasya ca ||13|| sthAne{9 ##A.## sthAnenA^, ##B.## sthAne vA.} cAbhiniveze ca prajJa{10 ##A.## ^jJapto.}ptau dharmavastuna: | {11 ##A. B. C.## zaktau.}saktau ca pratipakSe ca {12 ##C.## yathecche.}yathecchaM ca gatikSatau ||14|| {13 ##A.## yathAdeza^.}yathoddezamaniryANe{14 ##B. omits. A.## ^niryANo ‘mArgA^.} mArgAmArgAvadhAraNe | sanirodhe samutpAde vastuyogaviyogayo: ||15|| sthAne gotra{15 ##C.## gotrasya nI ||}sya nAze ca prArthanAhetvAbhAvayo:{16 ##A. omits: C.## prArthanAhetubhAvayo.} | pratyarthikopalambhe ca vikalpo grAhako ‘para: ||16|| @029 bodhau saMdarzanA{1 ##B.## ^darzanAddyauSA^, ##A.## ^darzanAdyeSAM.}nyeSAM taddhetozca parIndanA | tatprAptyanantaro hetu: puNyabAhulyalakSaNa: ||17|| kSayAnutpA{2 ##A.omits.##}dayorjJAnaM{3 ##A.B.C.## jJAne.} malAnAM bodhirucyate | {4 ##C.## kSayAbhAvAnutpAdAMtte ##(sic !).##} kSayAbhAvAdanutpAdAtte hi jJeye yathAkramam ||18|| prakRtAvaniruddhAyAM darzanAkhyena vartmanA | vika{5 ##C. omits.##}lpajJAtaM kiM kSINaM kiM {6 ##A.## vAnutpa^.}cAnutpattimAgatam{7 ##B.## ^mAgamaM.} ||19|| sattA{8 ##A.## satvAcanAma^ ##or ?## sabhAvanAma^, ##B. C.## satvAcanAma^.} ca nAma dharmANAM jJeye vAvaraNakSaya: | kathyate yat{9 ##B.## ^tpurai:.}parai: zAsturatra vismIyate mayA ||20|| nApaneyamata: kiMcitpra{10 ##A.## ^tprekSepta^, ##B.## ^tprakSapta^.}kSeptatyaM na kiM ca{11 ##A.## ^vyannakiMci, ##C.## ^vyannakiJcanA.}na | {12 ##A.B.## draSTavyaM, ##C.## duSTavyaM.}draSTavyaM bhUtato bhUtaM bhUtadarzo vimucyate ||21|| ekaikasyaiva dAnAdau teSAM ya: saMgraho mitha: | sa ekakSaNika{13 ##A. B.## ^ka:.}kSAntisRMgahIto ‘tra dR{14 ##C.## dRkSatha:.}kapatha: ||22|| {15 ##C.## samAdhisamApadyatAsiMhavikSimbhitaM ##(sic !).##}samAdhiM sa samApadya tata: siMhavijRmbhitam | anulomavilomaM ca pratItyotpAdamIkSate ||23|| @030 kAmAptamavadhIkRtya vijJAnamasamAhita{1 ##A.## ^hita ||}m | sa{2 ##C.## sannirodha:.}nirodhA: samApattIrgatvAgamya nava dvidhA ||24|| ekAdvatricatuSpaJcaSaTsaptASTavyAtakramAt | a{3 ##C.## avaskandha^.}vaskandasamApattirAnirodhamatulyagA ||25|| saM{4 ##A.## saMkSepe stire (?).}kSepe vistare buddhai: sA{5 ##C.## sAnArthonAparigrahe.}nAdhyenAparigrahe | traikAlike guNAbhAve zreyasastrividhe pathi ||26|| eko grAhyavikalpo ‘yaM prayogAkAragocara: | dvitIyazcittacaittAnAM pravRttiviSayo mata:{6 ##A.B.## gata:.} ||27|| anutpAdastu cittasya bodhimaNDAmanaskriyA | hInayAnamanaskArau saMbodhera{7 ##A.## saMbodhenamana^.}manaskRti: ||28|| bhAvane ‘bhAvane caiva tadviparyaya eva ca | ayathArthazca{8 ##A.## ayathAthazca vijJeyA, ##B.## ayathArthAzca vijJeyA, ##C.## avithArthazca.} vijJeyo vika{9 ##B.## vikalpau.}lpo bhAvanApathe ||29|| grAhaka: pratha{10 ##A.B.## prathamA.}mo jJeya: {11 ##B.## satyapra^.}sattvaprajJaptigocara: | dharmaprajJaptyazUnyatve saktipravicayA{12 ##A.## saktiSuviSayAtmaka:, ##B.## saktiSuviSacayAtmaka:, ##C.## dharmaprApyazUtvasaktapravicayAtmaka:.}tmaka: ||30|| @031 kRtena vastuno yAnatritaye{1 ##B.## ^tritayeva ##(sic !), C.## ^tritaye saMkIrtitA.} ca sa kIrtita: | da{2 ##A.## dadakSiNa, ##C.## dakSaNAyA.}kSiNAyA azuddhau ca caryAyAzca vikopa{3 ##A.## vikopanaM, ##B.## viMkopana.}ne ||31|| sattvaprajJaptitaddhetuviSayo{4 ##A.B.## viSayAnavadhApara:.} navadhA ‘para: | bhAvanAmArgasaMbaddho vipakSastadvighAta{5 ##A.## vighAtaya:, ##B.## vighAtata:.}ta: ||32|| sarvajJatAnAM ti{6 ##B.## tisRNA, ##C. omits.##}sRNAM yathAsvaM trividhAvRtau | zAntimArgatatha{7 ##A.B.## ^tathAtAdi.}tAdisaMpra{8 ##C.## saMprayogayo:.}yogaviyogayo: ||33|| asamatve ca du:khAdau klezAnAM prakRtAvapi | dva{9 ##B.## dayAbhAve.}yAbhAve ca saMmohe vikalpa: pAzcamo mata: ||34|| A{10 ##A.## AzAMkSaye martAnInAM, ##B.## AsAMkSaye matItInAM.}sAM kSaye satItInAM cirAyocchU{11 ##A. B.## cirAyocchusitA, ##C.## cipApaucchusitA ##(sic !).##}sitA iva | sarvAkAraja{12 ##A.## ^jJagasmaukhya^, ##C.## sarvAkArAjagatsaukhya^.}gatsaukhyasAdhanA guNAsaMpada: ||35|| sarvA:{13 ##A.## sarvAsarvA^.} sarvAbhisAreNa nikAmaphalazA{14 ##A.B.## sAlinaM, ##C.## zAlinA.}linam | bhajante taM{15 ##A.## tvaM, ##C.## tamAha || sattvamahodadhimivAparA.} mahAsattvaM mahodadhimivApagA: ||36|| trisAhasrajanaM ziSyakhaDgAdhigama{16 ##C.## ^dhigamampadi.}saMpadi | bodhisattvasya ca nyAye{17 ##A. B.## nyAme.}pratiSThApyazubhopamA: ||37|| @032 kRtvA puNyabahutvena buddhatvAptera{1. ##A.B.## ^tvAptarana^, ##C## buddhatApteranantara:.}nantara: | AnantaryasamAdhi: sa sarvAkArajJatA ca tat ||38|| AlambanamabhAvo ‘sya smRtizcAdhipatirmata: | AkAra: zA{2. ##A.## zAntavAtra ja^, ##C. omits.##}ntatA cAtra jalpAjalpipravAdinAm ||39|| Alambanopapattau ca tatsvabhA{3. ##A.## ^bhAvovadhAraNe.}vAvadhAraNe | sarvAkArajJatAjJA{4. ##C.## ^jJAnena.}ne paramArthe sasaMvRttau ||40|| prayoge triSu ratneSu {5. ##B.## sApAye.}sopAye samaye mune: | viparyAse samArge ca pratipakSavipakSayo: ||41|| lakSaNe bhAvanAyAM ca matA vipratipattaya: | sarvAkArajJatAdhA{6. ##C.## ^dhIrA:.}rA: SoDhA daza ca vAdinAm ||42|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre mUrddhAbhisamayAdhikAra: paJcama: dAnena prajJayA yAvadbuddhAdau smRtibhizca sA | dharmAbhAvasvabhAvenetyanupUrvakriyA {7. ##C. omits##.}matA ||1|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre ‘nupUrvAbhisamayAdhikAra: SaSTha: @033 anAsra{1. ##A. B.## nAzravA^, ##C.## anAmravANAM.}vANAM sarveSA{2. ##A. B.## sarveSAMme^(##sic !), C.## sarvaSAme^.}mekaikenApi saMgrahAt{3. ##A.## ^grahA.} | e{4. ##C.## ekakSaNA ca saMbodheyaM,}kakSaNAvabodho ‘yaM {5. ##B.## jJayA ##sic!##).}jJeyo dAnAdinA mune:{6. ##A. B. omit.## :} ||1|| a{7. ##A.## araghaTaM, ##B.## araghaTTaM, ##C.## araghaTgaM}raghaTTaM yathaikApi padikA puruSeritA | sakR{8. ##C.## sakSaM sarvavalayati.}tsarvaM cAlayati jJAnamekakSaNe tathA ||2|| vipAkadharmatAvasthA sarvazuklamayI yadA | prajJApAramitA jJAtA jJAnamekakSaNe ta{9. ##A. B.## tathA.}dA ||3|| {10. ##C.## svapnopameSu sarvadharmeSu.}svapnopameSu dharmeSu sthitvA dAnAdicaryayA | alakSaNAtvaM dharmANAM kSaNenaikena vinda{11. ##A.## vidati.}ti ||4|| {12. ##A.## svapnaMnta^.}svapnaM taddarzanaM caiva{13. ##A.## caiva, ##B.## ceva.} dvayogena nekSate | dha{14. ##A.## dharmANAMma^.}rmANAmadvayaM tatvaM kSaNonaikena pazyati ||5|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre ekakSaNAbhisamayAdhikAra: saptama: || {15. ##C.## sarvAkAravizuddhiM.}sarvAkArAM vizuddhiM ye dharmA: prAptA nirAsravA: | svAbhAviko mune: kAyas{16. ##A.## ^steSA.}teSAM prakRtilakSaNa:{17. ##A## ^lakSaNa:. ##C.## prakRtyalakSaNA:.} ||1|| @034 bodhipakSApramANAni vimokSA{1. ##C.## dhimokSA anupUrvaNa:} anupUrvaza: | navAtmikA samApatti: kR{2. ##A.## kRSNAtsvandazavi^, ##C.## kRtsnadezavi^.}tsnaM dazavidhAtmakam ||2|| a{3. ##A. B.## abhidvApa^, ##C.## abhivAya^.}bhibhvAyatanA{4. ##B.## ^patanAMdya^, ##A.## ^patanAdyaSTha^, ##C. ^patinAnyasta.}nyaSTaprakArANi prabhedata: | araNA praNidhijJAna{5. ##A.## ^jJAnaMma^.}mabhijJA: pra{6. ##C.## pratisaMvidhA:.}tisaMvida: ||3|| sarvAkArAzcatasro ‘tha zu{7. ##A.## zuddhaye.}ddhayo va{8. ##C.## vaNitA.}zitA daza | va{9. ##A. B. omit## balAni daza.}lAni daza {10 ##A.## vAri.}catvAri vaizAradyAnya{11. ##A. B.## vaizAradyAdyalakSaNaM, ##C.## vaizAradyAnvarakSaNaM.}rakSaNAm ||4|| trividhaM smRtyupasthAnaM tridhAsammoSadharmatA | vAsanAyA: samu{12. ##C.## samudyAto.}dghAto mahatI karuNA jane ||5|| AveNikA munereva dharmA ye ‘STAdazeritA: | sarvAkArajJatA ceti dharmakAyo ‘bhidhIyate ||6|| zrAvakasyAraNAdRSTernRkle{13 ##C.## dRSTetatklezaparipariharitA ##(sic !)##.}zaparihAritA | tatklezasrotaucchittyai grAmAdiSu jinAraNA ||7|| anAbhogamanAbhaGgamavyAghAtaM sadA sthitam | sarvapraznApanu{14. ##A.## ^panuddhoddhaMm ##B##. ^panudbauddhaM, ##C.## ^yenuddhauddhaM ##(sic !)##dbauddhaM {15. ##A.## praNadhi^.}praNidhijJAnamiSyate ||8|| @035 paripAkaM gate hetau yasya yasya yadA yadA | hitaM bhavati kartavyaM pra{1 ##C.## prate.}dhate tasya tasya sa: ||9|| {2. ##C.## dharmatyapi hi (##sic !##).}varSatyapi hi parjanye{3. ##A.## pajanya (##sic !),C.## paryanya.} naivA{4 ##A. B.## naivAjIvaM.}bIjaM pra{5. ##C.## virohati.}rohati | sa{6. ##A. B.## samutpAde vibuddhAnAM.}mutpAde’pi buddhAnAM nAbhavyo bhadramaznute ||10|| iti kAritravaipulyAdbuddho vyApI nirucyate | akSayatvAcca tasyaiva nitya ityapi ka{7. ##A.## kathyate:.}thyate ||11|| dvAtriMzallakSaNAzItivyaJjanAtmA munerayam | sAmbhogiko ma{8. ##C.## matA:.}ta: kAyo mahAyAnopabhogata: ||12|| cakrAGkahastakramakUrmapAdo | jAlAvanaddhAGgulipANipAda:{9. ##A. B## ^pAdaka:.} | karau sapAdau taruNau mR{10. ##B.## mRdu ca, ##C.## mRdu: va (##sic !##). dva ca | samutsadai: saptabhirAzrayo ‘sya ||13|| dIrghAGgulirvyAyatapA{11 ##A.## pASNi^ ##(sic !##}.rSNir, gAtra{12. ##B## grAtraM.}m | prAjyamRjU{13. ##A.## prAGkamRju^, ##C.## prAkSarArUha^(?)}cchaGkhapadordhvaromA{14 ##A.## ^khayadoddharAyA, ##C.## ^khapadorddharomA.} | aiNoya{15 eNoya.}jaGcazca pa{16 ##A.## paTuruddhavAhu:, ##C##. paTukAvAGga:.}TUrubAhu: | kozA{17 ##A. B.## kozAvavAno^.}vadhAnottamavastiguhya: ||14|| @036 suvarNavarNa: pratanuccha{1 ##A.## pratimanucchavi^.}vizca | pradakSiNaikaikasujAtaromA | {2. ##A.## Unnoki^.}UrNAGkitAsyo haripUrvakAya: | skandhau vRttAvasya citAttarAMsa:{3. ##A.## ^rAsaM:, ##B.## ^rAMza:.} ||15|| hIno rasa: khyAti rasottamo ‘sya | nyagrodha{4. ##A.## nyagrodhamanmaNDa^, ##B.## nyagrovanmaNDa^ (##sic !), C##. nyagrAdhavanma^.}vanmaNDalatulyamUrti: | uSNISarmUrddhA pRthucArujihvo | brahmasvara: siMhahanuzca,{5. ##A.## ^hanu:, ##B.## ^hanu^.}. zuklA: ||16|| tulyApramANAviralAzca dattA | anyU{6 ##B.## anyuna^, ##C.## ’ntyanusaMkhyA.}nasaMkhyA da{7. ##A. B.## dasikA^, ##C.## dazcikA^.}zikAzcatasra: | {8 ##A.## nIlakSaNo, ##C.## nIlekSa.}nIlekSaNo {9 ##B.## gevRSa (##sic !), C.## gAvRSa.}govRSapakSmanetro | dvAtriMzadetAni hi lakSaNAni ||17|| yasya yasyAtra yo heturlakSaNasya {10 ##C.## prasAdata:.}prasAdhaka: | tasya tasya prapU{11 ##A. B.## prapUyyAryaM.}ryAyaM samudAgamalakSaNa: ||18|| gurU{12 ##B.## guruNAmannapAnAdi, ##C.## guruNAmunayAnArdadatA.}NAmanuyAnAdi dRDhatA saMvaraM prati | saMgraho sevanaM dAnaM praNItasya ca vastuna: ||19|| @037 va{1 ##A.## vedhya (?), ##B.## vadhya.}dhyamokSa: samAdAnaM vivRddhi: kuzalasya ca | ityAdiko yathAsUtraM heturlakSaNasAdhaka: ||20|| tAmrasnig{2. ##A. B.## snignAzca.}dhAzca tuGgAzca nakhA aGgulayo mune: | vRttAzcitAnupUrvAzca gU{3. ##A.## guDha^.}DhA nirgra{4. ##A. B.## nigranlaya:.}nthaya: zirA: ||21|| gU{5. ##A. C.## gUDhai.}Dhau gul{6. ##A.## gulphai, ##B. C.## gulpho.}phau samau pAdau siMhebhadvijagopate: | vikrAttaM dakSiNaM cAru gamanamRju va{7. ##A. B.## vRrttate, ##C.## RkSuM varttate.}rtate ||22|| mR{8. ##A. B.## sRSTa.}STAnupUrvate me{9. ##A.## madhya.}dhyamRdutve zuddhagAtratA | pUrNavyaJja{10 ##A.## vyaJjatA.}natA cArupRthumaNDalagAtratA ||23|| samakramatvaM zu{11 ##C. omits.##}ddhatvaM netrayo: suku{12 ##A.## netrayozukramAratA, ##B.## sukramAratA.}mAratA | adInotsadagAtratve susaMhatanagAtratA ||24|| suvibhaktAGgatA dhAttapradhvastAlokazuddhatA | vRttamRSTAkSatakSAmakukSitA ca, gabhIratA ||25|| dakSiNAvartatA nAbhe: samattAdda{13 ##A. C.## samattAdarza^.}rzanIyatA | samAcAra: zuci: kAlatilakApagatA tanu: ||26|| karau tUlamRdU snigdhagambhIrAyatalekhatA | nAtyAyataM vaco bimbapra{14 ##C. omits.##}tibimbopamauSTha{15 ##A.## ^moSThatA.}tA ||27|| @038 mRdvI tanvI ca raktA ca jihvA jImUtaghoSatA{1 ##A.## ^tAM.} | cArumaJju{2. ##A.## ^maju^.}svaro, daMSTra{3 ##A.## draSTrA, ##C.## dRSTa:.} vRttAstIkSNA: sitA: samA: ||28|| AnupU{4 ##A.## ^pUrvogatAstaMga^.}rvIM gatAstuGgA nAsikA paramaM zuci: | vizAle nayane pa{5 ##A.## yakSma^, ##C.## pakSavita^.}kSmacitapadmadala{6 ##A.## ^dalAkSatA.}kSitA ||29|| A{7 ##A. B.## ^kSNamasnigdha^, ##C.## ^kSNasasragdhi^.}yatazlakSNasusnigdhasa{8 ##A.## samaroSNau (?), ##B.## samaroSTau, ##C.## samarausrau.}maromnau bhru{9 ##A.##bhuvo, ##B.## bhruvau.}vau bhu{10 ##A.## bhujo.}jau | pInA{11 ##A. B.## pInApato.}yatau samau karNAvupa{12 ##A.## ^vudaghAta^, ##C.## ^vupadyAta^.}ghAtaviva{13 ##A. omits.##}rjitau ||30|| {14. ##A. B.## lalATamapariglAnaM.}lalATamaparimlAnaM pRthu pUrNottamA{15 ##A.## ^mAgatA.}GgatA | {16 ##A.## bhramarAzitA, ##B.## bhramarAzitAzca^, ##C.## bhramarAbhAvAzcitA:.}bhramarAbhAzcitA {17 ##A.## znikSA.}zlakSNA asaMlu{18. ##A.## luhatimU^, ##C.## ^rutritamUrttayA: (##sic !).##}litamUrtaya: ||31|| kezA aparuSA: puMsAM {19 ##C.## saurabhyAyapahAriNA.}saurabhyAdapahAriNa: | zrovatsa: svastikaM ceti buddhAnAM vyaJjanaM mata{20 ##A. B.## matim.}m ||32|| karoti yena citrA{21 ##A. B.## cittAni.}Ni hitAni jagata: samam | A{22 ##A.## AbhavA so, ##B.## AbhavAtsaunupacchanna:}bhavAtso ‘nupacchinna: kAyo{23 ##A.## naimANiko (##sic !), B##. nairyyANikA.}nairmANiko mune: ||33|| @039 tathA karmApyanucchinnamasyAsaMsAramiSyate | ga{1 ##A. B.## matIsAzanena, ##C.## gatenAMzamanaMkarma.}tInAM zamane karma saMgrahe ca caturvidhe ||34|| niveza{2 ##B.## nivezanamasaMkleze. ##C.## nivezaNaM saMkleze.}naM sasaMkleze vyavadAnAvabodha{3. ##A.## ^bodhanA, ##C.## vyavadhAnAvodhane.}ne | sattvAnAmarthayAthA{4 ##A.## ^yAthAtsye, ##B.## ^yAthAtmye, ##C.## yAthAtmeSu.}tmye SaTsu pAramitAsu ca ||35|| buddhamArge prakRtyaiva zUnyatAyAM dvayakSa{5 ##A.## ^kSayaM.}ye | saMkete ‘nupalambhe ca pa{6 ##C.## paripAcake ca.}ripAke ca dehinAm ||36|| {7 ##A.## bodhisattvesya mArge.} bodhisattvasya mArge {8 ##C.## ‘bhinivezya.}’bhinivezasya nivAraNe | bodhiprAptau jinakSetre{9 ##A.## ^kSatraM.} vizuddhau niyatiM prati ||37|| aprameye ca sattvArthe buddha{10 ##C.## sevAhite.}sevAdike gu{11 ##B.## tuNe.}Ne | bodheraGgeSvanA{12 ##C.## nAse.}ze ca karmaNAM satyadarzane{13 ##A.## ^darzanaM.} ||38|| viparyAsaprahANe ca tadavastukatAnaye | vyavadAne sa{14 ##A. B.## samastAre.}saMbhAre saMs{15 ##A. B.## mandatAsaMskRte.}kRtAsaMskRte prati ||39|| v{16 ##C.## vyutibhe^.}yatibhedAparijJAne nirvANe ca nivezane | dharmakAyasya karmedaM{17 ##B. omits##} saptaviMzatidhA matam ||40|| abhisamayAlaGkAre prajJApAramitopadezazAstre dharmakAyAdhikAro ‘STama: @040 lakSaNaM ta{1 ##A. repeats## tatprayogasta^ ##twice, C.## tatprayogatatprakarSa^.}tprayogastatprakarSastadanukrama: | tanniSThA ta{2 ##A.B.## tadvamAkazce^.}dvipAkazcetyanya: SoDhA{3 ##A.## pAzerthamagraha:, ##B.## pozerthamagraha:, ##C.## bodhArthasaMgraha:.}rthasaMgraha: ||1|| viSaya{4 ##B.## ^stitayo hetu:.}stritayo hetu: prayoga{5 ##A.## ayogezca, ##B##. ayogazca^, ##C## prayogazcarAtmaka:.}zcaturAtmaka: | dharmakAyaphalaM ka{6 ##A.## karma:, ##B.## karma.}rma a{7 ##A. B.## anAstedhArthamagraha: (##sic !), C.## ^tyanustedhArya^.}nyastredhArthasaMgraha: ||2|| abhisamayAlaGkAraM nAma prajJApAramitopadezazAstraM samAptam || kRtirAryamaitreyanAthasya ||